A Unique Way to Help Solve Hunger

Dawn and her son Owen found a new and unique way to help solve hunger, by providing food and a whole lot more. The bags they’re holding in the picture seen above are filled with some great items and even greater generosity. You may notice the bags read “Happy Birthday”. Well, Dawn and Owen filled each bag with something special for an Idaho kid in need. Along with the kind donation of food were cake mix, party hats and plates, and other materials which would be perfect for a birthday party.
What does this all mean? it means that a handful of lucky kids who are in need all over our state will have a chance to receive a special birthday gift. They’ll have dinner when they may have otherwise gone without. But they’ll also be able to enjoy their birthday and celebrate, like every child should be able to do. Thank you to Dawn and Owen for stopping by to help solve hunger and for the generous birthday gifts they brought with them!