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Health and Nutrition


Hunger to Health

The Hunger to Health strategy is focused on the well-being of individuals, along with the health of communities through access to nutritious food and resources required for good health.

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Nutrition Education

Providing nutritious food and working to make the healthy choice, the easy choice.

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Mental Health

Access to consistent and healthy food can improve mental and behavioral health.

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A Hunger Free and Healthy Idaho

Health starts in our homes, schools and communities – at least 70% of our health is determined by behavior and environment. The Social Determinates of Health (SDOH) includes access to nutritious food, healthcare, education, stable and affordable housing, transportation, and air/water quality in our environment. SDOHs may be better described as vital conditions for well being – what each of us need to live healthy, active and productive lives.
Hunger is a major factor impacting a person’s health. Food insecurity is much more than having basic human needs go unmet – it has profound implications for education, health and quality of life.

Hunger = Health Challenges

Children need nutritious food so they can grow, develop and focus on learning, and food insecurity inhibits this growth. Lower math scores, 40% greater chances of repeating a grade, higher rates of developmental impairments: these are all effects of food insecurity on Idaho’s youngest residents. In turn, these conditions lead to poorer physical quality of life, higher risk of falling behind in school, lower test scores, and a greater likelihood of exhibiting behavioral problems.
For kids who experience it, the effects of food insecurity do not stop there. Children with food insecurity are at higher risk of numerous conditions, including asthma, development delays, iron deficiency anemia, mental health problems, and a generally lower health status. Even short stretches of these chronic conditions can inhibit a child’s growth for years to come.
While children may be the most vulnerable to the effects of food insecurity, they are not alone. Food insecurity elevates adults’ risks of:
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Hypertension
  • Stroke
Seniors with food insecurity have higher rates of:
  • Asthma
  • Hypertension
  • Depression
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Low muscle mass
  • Fatigue
  • Impaired cognition
These conditions cause human suffering by themselves, and they also lead to increased risk for falls, limited mobility and reduced ability for independent living.

A Team Approach

The Foodbank aims to positively impact the health of individuals who are food insecure. Our Hunger to Health strategy aims to bring together thought leaders from non-profits, education, health care, media, commerce and government to inspire a healthier population.
The Hunger to Health strategy is focused on the well-being of individuals, along with the health of communities through access to nutritious food and resources required for good health. Our strategy is composed of three initiatives:
  • Nutrition: We emphasize providing health food to individuals, families, and communities. Driven by the USDA’s MyPlate recommendations, our goal is to make the healthy choice the easy choice.
  • Education: We focus on the delivery and promotion of cooking, nutrition education and the distribution of nutrition and health education materials.
  • Healthy Communities: We collaborate with organizations and individuals across our state to develop community-led solutions to improve community health.

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Additional Resources collaborate includes various resources available across the state.

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