The American Rescue Plan

The COVID-19 relief bill signed into law in March 2021 is known as The American Rescue Plan. This is a $1.9 trillion relief plan that contained several provisions relevant to food banks and many people served by food banks. On the nutrition side, it extends an existing 15 percent increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps) benefits until the end of September 2021. It also provides more money to help grocery stores take SNAP online.
In addition to sending $1,400 checks to most Americans, this law extended the $300 weekly expanded unemployment benefits through September 6th. The American Rescue Plan also includes $3.6 billion for a handful of supply chain support measures. We will continue to monitor how these funds are used in Idaho and will work with our partner network through the transition from emergency response to even more efficient and effective approaches to provide fresh and nutritious food to our neighbors in need.