Another Successful Empty Bowls Event in Pocatello!

Each year, Idaho State University (ISU) Clay Club students and local artists join forces with the Pocatello Arts Council and The Idaho Foodbank to put on the Empty Bowls event in Pocatello. Nearly 100 people attended Empty Bowls to purchase artisan bowls, eat dinner, listen to live music, and enjoy the night, all while supporting The Idaho Foodbank’s mission to end hunger in Idaho.
This year’s event took place in March at Westside Players. The event, sponsored by Lookout Credit Union, raised enough to provide food for up to 15,000 meals to help our neighbors in need in Eastern Idaho!
For Empty Bowls, artists from the community made and donated ceramic bowls to be purchased by the public. Each bowl purchased included a free dinner with food provided by Sand Trap, Butterburr’s, and Fixxology. There was also a silent auction with donated items from local artists and businesses – Jim Dandys, Off the Rails, Barking Goat Studios, Catherine Reinhardt, Gumption, Glean Coffee, College Market, and Westside Players. Additionally, guests enjoyed live music provided by the Reese Thompson Trio.
Bowls that were not sold will be available for purchase at the Downtown Pocatello Art Walk on the first Friday of each month for those who still wish to support The Idaho Foodbank and purchase their very own artisanal bowl.
Altogether, many supporters joined forces at Empty Bowls in Pocatello to share an amazing experience that also reminds us that not everyone has access to a full bowl of food.