Back to Nutrition Basics with My Plate

This month we are going back to the basics! It is important to eat well-rounded meals and exercise daily. MyPlate is a dietary guideline designed by the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) to improve people’s lifestyle and food choices. This could look like two 15-minute walks daily and literally adding more color to your plate. We should consume a variety of colors of fruits and vegetables. The phrase “Eat the Rainbow” is about eating a variety of produce to get important vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber our bodies need to thrive.
Why is nutrition important? Nutrition is important because it can improve your physical and mental health. People who eat healthier may live longer and are at lower risk for serious health problems. To learn more about healthy eating, go to the USDA MyPlate website and it will help make an individual MyPlate that fits your lifestyle.
This southern style Red Beans and Rice recipe is an easy and flavorful dish to make with the family at home. The MyPlate food groups included in this meal are protein (2 ½ ounces), grains (1/2 ounces), and vegetables (1 ¼ cup). To include all food groups, you could easily add a side of yogurt and fruit. There is also a link in the cooking section that takes you to a YouTube video demonstrating how to make this meal.