Back to School: Feed Kids, Fuel Learning

‘During the month of September, The Idaho Foodbank ran a first time back to school campaign with a goal of raising funds and awareness across the entire state of Idaho for the Backpack and School Pantry programs.
All month Idahoans were encouraged to “Feed Kids and Fuel Learning” by making online donations or by participating in fundraising campaign activities across the state. Thanks to the generosity of our Lead Sponsor Idaho Central Credit Union, along with Supporting Sponsors AAA Idaho and Valley Office Systems, individual donations went even further with matches.
The Back to School campaign brought in just over $45,000 dollars ($45,147.50) from the following sponsors and activities:
- $15,000 Idaho Central Credit Union Sponsorship
- $2,500 Valley Office Systems Sponsorship
- $5,000 Individual Matching Donor
- $4,030 Back to School online donations
Mix 106 Radiothon
- $15,467.50 (61 donations through the website), $1,650 from other donation streams
- $2,500 AAA Idaho Sponsorship
The Following state-wide activities contributed to the Back to School campaign:
- Albertsons “Hunger Is” Campaign (all month)
- The Idaho Foodbank Pocatello Empty Bowls (September 13th)
- Chobani Twin Falls Backpack Build & Distribution
- Mix 106 Backpack Buddies Radiothon (September 20th)
Media Coverage:
Thanks to internal efforts and the work of our campaign ambassador Kate McGwire, IFB had media coverage from a variety of entities across the state. This included interviews from multiple stations (KTVB, KIVI, KNIN, KBOI), as well as PSA’s/Media Blitz’s (KZBQ 93.9, KORR 104, KMGI 102.5, Country Classics 96.5, and KESI Oldies 98.9) that ran in the North Central and Eastern Regions of the state.