Cranksgiving Turkey Drive in Pocatello

The Cranksgiving Turkey Drive in Pocatello puts a unique and healthy “spin” on the Thanksgiving holiday. During this holiday season we see an outpouring of generosity in communities across the state. People are giving their time, talents and treasure to help ensure that Idahoans everywhere can enjoy a holiday meal. In Pocatello, they even do it on bikes. You can help now by dropping off a turkey to either Barrie’s Ski and Sportsat 624 Yellowstone Ave. or the Idaho Foodbank at 555 S 1st Ave. now until the morning of November 20th.
On November 20, you can also participate in the fun by joining our ceremonial bike ride to deliver the final turkeys that morning from Barrie’s Ski and Sports to the Idaho Foodbank warehouse. The ride begins at 10:00am. There will be a big crowd so come early and help us celebrate this generous Pocatello community. After the collection is complete, food boxes consisting of a turkey, potatoes, green beans, stuffing, corn, yams, and pie filling will be distributed to Eastern Idaho families in need at the Bannock County Fairgrounds. This year’s goal is provide boxes to 1300 families!