Eastern Idaho – Finding Inspiration at The Idaho Foodbank

The produce that comes through our distribution centers generally arrives in bulk and on pallets. It is the hundreds of volunteers who sort, weigh, bag, and label the produce into manageable sizes so that can be distributed at mobile pantries.
In Eastern Idaho, on any given week, we have 90-120 volunteers who build boxes and repack produce; many of whom are now regular volunteers and have made being at The Idaho Foodbank a regular part of their week. It’s because of these volunteers we are able to provide over 1,600 food boxes to our mobile pantry partners across the region.
Volunteer Gennese Annen is a regular face at the eastern region foodbank in Pocatello. She says, “I initially chose to volunteer at The Idaho Foodbank because I wanted to give back to the community and help people in need. It makes you realize how small and insignificant your problems are when you see people who are struggling just with the basic needs of hunger and putting food on the table for their families. It’s humbling and inspiring to be a part of changing that in any way.”
[testimonial name=”Gennese Annen” tagline=”Idaho Foodbank Volunteer”]The reason I have chosen to stick with volunteering at The Idaho Foodbank has more to do with the organization itself. I have met so many wonderful, selfless, giving people. Being around that after this last year in lock down and isolation has been refreshing and rewarding![/testimonial]
Our volunteer coordinators help make a first-time volunteer and our long-standing pros feel welcome. Annen says in Pocatello, “Shaela cares deeply about the mission, and every single person that walks into that building is made to feel like they are appreciated and welcomed. I have never met someone so suited for what they do.”