Empty Bowls in Boise

Online sales for Empty Bowls in the Treasure Valley will open on Thursday, November 23rd (Thanksgiving Day). This annual event is a way to support The Idaho Foodbank by purchasing a beautiful hand-painted or handmade bowl. You will also receive a soup recipe and an Albertsons gift card. Thank you to Albertsons for their ongoing support of Empty Bowls. This event is a powerful reminder that not all our neighbors are able to fill their own bowl with nourishing food.
Bowls are available for purchase starting at $15. Bowls must be picked up at The Idaho Foodbank’s warehouse at 3630 E. Commercial Court in Meridian November 29th through December 8th during designated pickup times.
If you are interested in getting involved as a sponsor of this event, please reach out to events@idahofoodbank.org for additional information.