Empty Bowls is Back Online for 2021

As we approach the holiday season, it is important to remember that not all of our neighbors can fill their plates and bowls with food. That is why The Idaho Foodbank is pleased to host Empty Bowls events in the Treasure Valley and in Pocatello. These events allow individuals to purchase a unique bowl, with the proceeds going to The Idaho Foodbank. The Empty Bowls Event in Pocatello sold out early. We appreciate the Pocatello Arts Council and ISU Arts Department for their support of this event!
In the Treasure Valley we will again have our Empty Bowls event starting the day after Thanksgiving on November 26th. Individuals can purchase bowls online that have been hand-painted by different Idahoans, including students, as well as professional and amateur artists.
Please note that bowls must be picked up in-person – they cannot be shipped to you. If you purchased a bowl, you can pick it up at The Idaho Foodbank’s Meridian Warehouse location by December 10.
The Idaho Foodbank Meridian
3630 E. Commercial Court
Meridian, ID 83642
This holiday season, no one’s bowl should be empty.