Feed the Foodbank 2017 Wraps Up With Celebration

This year’s edition of Feed the Foodbank in Lewiston was another success we couldn’t have expected. This year’s campaign wrapped up with a total raised of $10,284.83 and 6,924 pounds of food. That’s enough to provide more than 115,000 meals. What an amazing community effort. It really shows what can be done when companies and community members work together to accomplish something great.
Here is a list of businesses who were involved:
- Happy Day Corporation-All restaurants
- Joe Hall Ford
- Inland Cellular
- Clearwater Paper Corp
- Hot Shot Espresso
- Joseph Regional Medical Center
- Well Connected Electric
- Washington Trust Bank
- Village Center Cinemas
- Smart Fitness
- City of Lewiston
- Red Lion Hotel/Adcope
- Stonebreaker Mcquary