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Give Time


Thanks to the support of dedicated volunteers, we provide hunger relief to thousands of Idahoans in need.

Ways You Can Volunteer

Group Volunteers

Volunteer with your Corporate or Community Group

One great way to get your corporate or community group involved in our mission is to donate your time to the over 200,000 people in Idaho who face food insecurity each month.

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Individual Volunteers

Volunteer as an individual and/or with your family

Volunteering is a great way to lower stress, stay informed and involved, form a deeper connection to your community, and feel better overall! With volunteers as young as the age of 8 welcome to join in, it’s a great activity for the family to do together! Everyone needs to create an account and sign up individually.

Sign Up

Volunteer to complete your public service and court referred hours

All public service and court referred volunteers must be approved by The Idaho Foodbank Team prior to volunteering.

Apply Now


Why should I volunteer?


Volunteers say that they feel better—physically, mentally and emotionally.


Volunteers feel a deeper connection to communities and to others.

Less Stress

Volunteering helps people manage and lower stress levels.


Volunteers are more informed health care consumers and are more engaged and involved in taking care of their health.

What kind of work will we be doing?

The majority of volunteers assist in Sort/Repack shifts. These shifts include activities such as sorting donations by nutritional category, repackaging bulk food into family-sized quantities, placing stickers on unlabeled cans and even building backpack inserts. Shifts are booked in advance, but the actual activity is based on highest community needs and current warehouse inventory.

Can children volunteer?

Volunteers as young as the age of 8 are welcome. Volunteers 15 and younger must be accompanied by an adult volunteer.

Minor Volunteer Waiver

What should I wear?

Following CDC recommendations, we are now strongly encouraging all volunteers to bring and use a cloth masks during their shift as an added layer of caution. We greatly appreciate the donation of masks at any of our facilities or to your local food pantry. Closed toe and heel shoes are required in the warehouse. Shoes should be sturdy and offer adequate protection (no canvas shoes, such as ballet flats). Sandals and offensive clothing are not permitted. Clothing should not restrict movement. The warehouse is not temperature-controlled, so layers are recommended!

I have a large group (more than 18 people) and we would like to volunteer together.

With adequate notice, we are able to handle most group requests. Please fill out our community and corporate group volunteer request form and we will work with you to create a rewarding experience for your group.

I need to complete court-mandated community service hours.

We do accept court-mandated volunteers, with some limitations. Before starting your community service you will need to meet with a staff member.

Apply Now

Volunteer Waivers

Waivers are sent through our VolunteerHub registration system. However, if you need to get a waiver or additional waivers for a group or for minors that are volunteering, they are available here to download and print.

Adult Volunteer Waiver Minor Volunteer Waiver

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