Harvest Report: New Partnerships Bring New Produce

Our partnership with the LDS Church orchard continues to bear fruit – and now potatoes. We got a great donation of fresh packed Russett Potatoes from the Taylorview facility in Idaho Falls. This tremendous gift with a goal of trying to find ways to work together in the future to try and build on the relationship. We also received word we’ve been approved again for another canned pear project, which enables us to can and prepare pears donated by the LDS orchard near Caldwell. The canned pears are shelf-stable and canning lengthens the amount of time we can distribute the popular fruit. This doesn’t just mean great things for their efforts to work with us to feed Idahoans, but it’s even better news for the Idahoans who will receive the healthy and nutritious pears we’re able to get to partners all over our state.