Harvest Report: They don’t call them “Golden Delicious” for nothing

The harvest is here and it is in full swing. We’re watching harvest numbers closely and we’re hearing the current Golden Delicious Apple harvest (pictured) is going quite well. We’re expecting to see apples and Bartlett Pears to start making their way to the plates of Idahoans who are hungry by late next week.
But not all the news is rosy. The Fuji Apple harvest is scheduled for the first of October. Last year’s crop was a record, but this year has dropped off by about half, with a more drastic decline in other areas. We still plan on getting these apples to families in need, just not in the high quantities we were able to last year.
Beyond apples, within two weeks, we should start harvesting Hard Squash, which we planted in large quantities this year. This squash is great because it has a longer shelf life and will be able to be harvested and distributed throughout the holidays. We also plan to start harvesting Potatoes at the farm land near the prison by the end of the week. Eastern Idaho fields are already being harvested and in November we hope to be there with Potandon Produce collecting Red and Gold Potatoes.
Lastly, we have started the 2015 harvest with some great quality Red and Yellow Onions, which we should continue to receive through April. This means great things to people all over our state who want this great produce.