Hope for the Holidays News

Food brings people together. Gathering around the table with loved ones may look different this year, but it will be just as meaningful. To help facilitate these precious moments, The Idaho Foodbank kicked off its annual “Hope for the Holidays” campaign this month. Activities may adhere to the new normal of social distancing, but the goal steadfastly remains the same – to provide comfort and food for neighbors in need during this joyous season.
Last year this initiative generated food for approximately 2.7 million meals. This year the organization’s wish is to provide food for 4 million meals across the state so that struggling Idahoans can enjoy a little warmth, nourishment and, perhaps, a special holiday memory.
Giving comes in many forms.
Click here for ideas on how you can support your community: https://idahofoodbank.org/give/
The iconic Empty Bowls is happening this year in a different way. This legendary Boise tradition is moving from in-person to online AND expanding from one day to three weeks! Visit our “Hope for the Holidays” page for more information and other statewide happy happenings.