Hope for the Holidays

Dear Idaho Foodbank Family,
The holidays are a time when we often think of smiling snowmen, presents and stuffed turkeys. The season is meant to be a merry time, full of warmth and excitement. However, for many, the holidays can feel rather challenging. It can be hard to put food on the table, purchase gifts for loved ones, or spend time with the family when you have a limited income. This can lead to stress and feelings of being overwhelmed.
The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) recently released a report that shows a significant increase in individuals living in food-insecure households. Many of our neighbors work full-time, yet they still have trouble purchasing food while covering the high cost of living, per Idaho’s ALICE report. It may seem that things are generally becoming more difficult.
Thankfully, there is hope. Lemony Snicket, acclaimed children’s book author, says, “At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe that there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough.”
The Idaho Foodbank, along with our many partner organizations, works diligently to help individuals and their families access high-quality, nutritious food. This November, we are launching our “Hope for the Holidays” campaign, which runs through December. Our goal during this campaign is to raise funds to provide food for up to 4 million meals to our neighbors. We want everyone, regardless of their economic standing, to be able to enjoy a nutritious meal with their family this holiday season.
If you are able, please consider supporting our neighbors in need. Albertsons’ Feed Joy campaign, Stinker Store’s Stomp Out Hunger, The Great Idaho Food Drive, and Maverik’s Round Up Your Change are all opportunities to support The Idaho Foodbank this month. You can find all of these events and more on our calendar here.
If you or someone you know is struggling to find food, please use our food locator to find a food pantry near you.
There is hope when we all work together. Thank you for working beside us to support our neighbors and our community. Happy holidays, everyone!
Warmest wishes,
Randy Ford