Hope for the Holidays Thank You

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Thank you for making Hope For The Holidays 2016 a success! In November and December, we were able to raise the food and funds to provide the food for 2.5 million meals. This means great things for our efforts to solve hunger and reach as many of Idahoans in need as possible in 2017. Below is a list of the companies and organizations which made Hope For The Holidays the triumph it was. [/jumbotron]
Special thanks to our Holiday match champions – Corwin Ford and Camille Beckman
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A-1 Plumbing & Heating
Alliance Title
Cucina di Paolo’s Betty the Washer Woman
Enterprise Car Rental
Famous Idaho Potato Bowl
First Technical Federal Credit Union
Fred Meyer-Constellation Brand
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Lyle Pearson
Hymns of Thanksgiving
Idaho Central Credit Union
Idaho Power Employees
KTVB News Channel 7
Les Schwab Tire Centers
Lyle Pearson
Moxie Java
Natural Grocers
Northwest Credit Farm Services
Pacific Source
Piggy Pig’s Pottery
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Snake River Contractor Association
Sparkling Ice
Stinker Stores – Stomp Out Hunger
TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Home Goods
Treasure Valley Mustang & Ford Club
US Ecology
Valley Office Systems
Whole Foods
Wholesale Auto Dealers, Inc.
WinCo Foods