Idaho Food Bank Fund grants nearly $89,000 to 34 hunger relief organizations

The Idaho Food Bank Fund is distributing grants to 34 organizations working to solve hunger in Idaho and in your region. The grants total $88,800 in 2016, enabling recipients to further their missions in hunger relief.
Organizations from all over the state were among the 34 organizations selected to receive a grant this year, from the Boise Rescue Mission Ministries (receiving $4,937 for food programs for Low-Income and homeless Individuals and families) to the West Bonner County Food Bank in Priest River (receiving $4,000 to help add storage space), all the way to the Idaho Falls Rescue Mission (receiving $3,500 for a kitchen upgrade).
The Idaho Food Bank Fund was established by the 2009 Legislature as a cooperative effort between three well-respected statewide Idaho nonprofit organizations: The Idaho Foodbank, Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho, and Catholic Charities of Idaho. The donation opportunity has been on the Idaho State Income Tax Form 40 since 2009 allowing taxpayers to designate a donation to the Fund.
The Fund accepted grant applications from any Idaho nonprofit that provides hunger relief. The Fund supports projects that expand existing food storage or distribution capacities, provide nutrition education, or otherwise increase support services related to hunger relief in Idaho.
The generous donations from Idaho’s taxpayers allowed the Fund’s Executive Committee to distribute $88,800 this year. In recent years the funds distributed were $90,000 in 2015 and $110,496 in 2014.
Qualified applicants for the grants must be 501(c) (3) organizations but are not required to have any connection with Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho, Catholic Charities of Idaho or The Idaho Foodbank.
For more information about the grants email To learn more about the fund and view the public service announcement go to