June is Dairy Month!

Driven by the USDA’s MyPlate recommendations, The Idaho Foodbank categorizes distributed food to ensure we are providing nutritious items such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, protein, and dairy. In fiscal year 2023, 15% of the food we distributed was dairy.
June is Dairy Month and Idaho dairy farmers produce more milk and cheese than almost every other state, except for California and Wisconsin. For some food banks across the country it can be a challenge to obtain dairy products, but here in Idaho we are fortunate to have generous supporters in the dairy community. Dairy foods such as milk, yogurt, and cheese are a significant source of calcium, as well as an excellent source of potassium, vitamin D, vitamin A, and high-quality protein.
The organizations, businesses, and families that are part of our dairy industry continue to be strong supporters of The Idaho Foodbank and our mission. Our goal is to make the healthy choice, the easy choice. One way we can do this is by making a variety of nutritious foods available throughout the year to our neighbors in need. In fiscal year 2023, 86% of food distributed by The Idaho Foodbank was considered nutritious.
Thank you to Dairy West, Chobani, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Darigold, Dannon, and all our dairy partners for their year-round support. We appreciate the generosity of our dairy community to help us make healthy, balanced food choices available to the people we serve.