June is National Dairy Month

Did you know that June is National Dairy Month? At The Idaho Foodbank, we have a lot to celebrate when it comes to dairy. We are fortunate to live in one of the top dairy-producing states in the country – only California and Wisconsin produce a higher volume of dairy products than Idaho.
For some food banks in other parts of the country it can be a challenge to obtain dairy products, but here in Idaho we are fortunate to have a generous dairy industry. Dairy is an important part of a healthy diet and a desired item for the people we serve.
In fiscal year (FY) 2019, thirteen percent of the food we distributed was dairy. In FY 2021, that increased to twenty percent. This is an important component of our work to make nutritious food available to our neighbors in need.
As part of our ongoing Hunger to Health Strategy, The Idaho Foodbank continues to emphasize providing healthy food to those who are struggling. Driven by the MyPlate recommendations from the US Department of Agriculture, we categorize distributed food to ensure we are providing nutritious items such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, protein and dairy. Dairy products provide nutrients that are vital for a person’s health. This includes calcium, potassium, vitamin D and protein. Everyone should have access to this nutritious food.
In true Idaho fashion the organizations, businesses and families that are part of our dairy industry are incredibly generous. The dairy industry continues to be strong supporters of The Idaho Foodbank and our mission. Thank you to Dairy West and Chobani and all our dairy partners for their year-round support.
When we start thinking of ice cream during these summer months, remember to celebrate all things dairy and their support of the community during June!