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Staff Spotlight Kyle Peck – Development Coordinator – Pocatello

  1. Before working at The Idaho Foodbank, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had? 

During my Physics undergrad, I was an intern at the Idaho Accelerator Center which is a particle accelerator facility operated by ISU. I got to work with some incredible technology like advanced lathing machines, supercomputers, and actual particle accelerators. 


  1. What is your WHY, why do you work at The Idaho Foodbank? 

I want to make a difference and have a positive impact in whatever community I’m in, and working at the Foodbank gives me the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of people that I see and speak with every single day. When we say neighbors, I know that we usually mean it in the general sense, but for me it’s quite literal. I see many of my actual neighbors benefiting from the services we provide. Knowing that I’m helping to make their lives even just a little bit easier when everything else in the world seems so hard is why I love working here. 


  1. What game show do you think you have the best chance of winning? 

Probably Family Feud since it doesn’t take any specialized knowledge or skillset haha! 


  1. What was the most ridiculous impulse purchase you’ve ever made? 

A Heim planet “The Cave” tent. I sold it a month later and still regret the purchase to this day. Please don’t look it up and judge me, I know that it’s absolutely ridiculous. 


  1. What song is guaranteed to make you sing? 

“Shut Up and Dance” by WALK THE MOON 


  1. The thing I enjoy most about my job is ___________ . 

Getting to interact with new people every day. I love meeting new people and building relationships and being involved in the community. 


  1. What is the strangest gift you have ever received? 

A Lichtenberg figure from my supervisor at the end of my previous physics internship. Essentially, you blast a bunch of high energy electrons at a block of acrylic, and then after it stores up enough energy you tap it with a nail. All that energy inside the acrylic block rushes to the nail, and it flashes like lightning and burns a branched lightning tree pattern through the inside. 


  1. In your opinion, what is the most important invention in history? 

Probably the printing press. I think that the advent of mass communication and dissemination of ideas/language/culture was the turning point for our modern world. 


  1. What is the best advice you have ever received? 

I know that this advice has been around for a long time and it’s not unique advice, but I had a professor tell me to “not let perfect be the enemy of good”, and it has stuck with me ever since. 


  1. My favorite way to spend the day is _______________. 

Depends on the weather! For a dreary, rainy, autumn day – Cozied up at home with a warm drink and some soup, relaxing and either playing games or watching a movie/show. For warm, sunny days – Out enjoying nature in the mountains hiking, biking, or riding around in my Jeep. 


  1. People would be surprised if they knew: 

I play French Horn professionally! I’ve been playing with our local symphony for the last decade and am frequently involved in different groups and performances around East Idaho. 


  1. What is on your bucket list? 

Seeing the Northern Lights in Iceland 


  1. Do you have a favorite quote? 

It’s hard to narrow it down to one, so I’ll pick my top two. 

  1. “Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.” – Bill Nye 
  1. “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” – Maya Angelou 

These two philosophies guide most everything in my life, and in my opinion perfectly encapsulate the idea of continuously learning, improving, and being a better person. 


  1. What places have you lived in that you would like to go back to some day? 

I’m a proud Pocatello native and have lived here my whole life, but I’ve been lucky enough to travel all over the world. Of those places I’ve been to, I think that Alaska in the fall has to be my top pick to get back to at some point.