Lewiston Volunteers Make Retirement Look Good

Barb, Helen and Vivian are part of a volunteer group in Lewiston
Volunteer Appreciation in Lewiston
At The Idaho Foodbank North Central branch we may have a small staff but thanks to volunteers you wouldn’t know it! Volunteers work across the organization including a lovely group of women who volunteer their time managing the front desk. They are the first faces a guest sees when walking through the front door to make a donation, volunteer, or to ask for food assistance. Their role is crucial in providing a welcoming atmosphere. They are known for lending a patient ear or offering a warm hug.
The five women have varying lengths of shifts, but volunteer on average three days a week for several hours each shift. One of the volunteers, Loanne, describes this work as “humbling”. They all report the joy it brings them to give back to their community and to meet new people. When asked about her most memorable day Helen replied that it was a day she was able to help out a grandmother and her grandchildren, “they had nothing.”
“I will never forget the happy face of a little girl gobbling a plate of apples and cookies in our breakroom. We were able to give her that smile.” – Barb in Lewiston
For Helen, Barb H, Loanne, Barb R and Vivian sharing a recipe or lending a book to their friends has become part of their volunteer experience. They make retirement look good! The Lewiston ladies are making a real difference in the community and the community is grateful for their generosity, every single day.