Local Family in Pocatello Hosts Food Drive for Food-insecure Classmates

In Pocatello, the Lamb family hosted a cold cereal drive for the Lewis and Clark Elementary food pantry. This was their second time organizing this food drive. Last year they gathered 352 cereal boxes. This year, the sons, nicknamed the “Super Cool Bros,” collected over 400 boxes of cereal so their classmates who are food insecure could have breakfast over the winter break.
It is always inspiring to see this type of grassroots, ad hoc food drive throughout the year! Members of the community can host a food or fund drive specifically supporting The Idaho Foodbank through our website at https://idahofoodbank.org/get-involved/give-food-resources/hold-a-food-drive/. The Foodbank can provide collection barrels and can also help promote your fund drive. Be sure to look at our most-needed items list when organizing a food drive to help maximize impact.