Marsing Creates “Hub” Of Community Services

Last month, the Marsing School District opened an innovative community center called “The Hub”. Based in the former and newly refurbished middle school, The Hub is a resource center providing vital services to Marsing students, their families, and the surrounding population. In a community with high rates of poverty, homelessness and migrant households, the intention behind this multipurpose facility is to remove barriers and bring services to people in a location they can easily access. Taking a 360-degree approach to comprehensive care and wellness resources, The Hub will provide:
- Food Pantry – stocked by The Idaho Foodbank
- Head Start Program & Pre-School
- Adult Education
- ESL Classes
- Health Center – with a nurse on-site one day per week
- Mental Health Services – with a counselor 2 days a week provided by Terry Reilly Health Services
- Migrant Family Liaison Services
- Energy Assistance Resources for Utility Bills
- Owyhee Sherriff’s Department Substation
To christen the facility and welcome in the spirit of the holiday, The Idaho Foodbank hosted a special Thanksgiving mobile pantry at the site on November 25, 2019. Core food staples, as well as, turkeys and essential holiday side dishes were provided to 97 households in the Marsing community.
[vector_icon icon=”fas fa-newspaper” color=”#588136″ size=”20px”] Idaho Press 2-8-2002:

Marsing Hub Ribbon Cutting