The Idaho Foodbank Receives One Million Dollar gift from Craig and Linn Dee Stein

Funds will be used for Hunger-Relief Efforts Throughout Idaho
Meridian, ID – The Idaho Foodbank has received a $1,000,000 gift from Craig and Linn Dee Stein to ensure Idahoans have the nutritious food they need during challenging times now and in the future. The Stein’s donation will support The Idaho Foodbank’s statewide distribution of nutritious food and resources to all 44 counties of the state though more than 440 partner organizations – all working to end food insecurity for the individuals, families, and communities of Idaho.
Stein founded his business, Craig Stein Beverage, in 1990 with 11 employees serving the Vancouver/Southwest Washington market. Today, Stein employs more than 1200 employees in 5 states. As ongoing philanthropists, the Steins have been continuing donors of The Idaho Foodbank, as well as supporters of hunger-relief work across the pacific northwest. Over the years Stein and his company have supported The Idaho Foodbank’s nutrition education, Mobile Pantry, and children’s programs.
“Craig’s ongoing partnership with The Idaho Foodbank has been amazing, through financial donations, volunteer time, and raising awareness of hunger in our communities,” said Karen Vauk, President and CEO of The Idaho Foodbank. “This legacy gift is going to make a significant difference in the lives of people today and into the future.”
“I have walked alongside The Foodbank for many years. This gift is to support their ability to meet a growing need for food assistance in Idaho today and even more so to build partnerships across industries to impact the root causes of hunger and help people live their best lives,” said Craig Stein.
Since 2013, Craig Stein and his dedicated employees have been major supporters of The Idaho Foodbank as well as dozens of other nonprofits in our community.
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