Hunger to Health – March is National Nutrition Month®

March is National Nutrition Month®! This year we joined the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in Celebrating a World of Flavors. The Idaho Foodbank prioritizes the distribution of nutritious food for meals, the promotion of nutrition education and supports making the healthy choice the easy choice.
We know there is a connection between the foods that we eat and our health, which can be even more significant for those experiencing nutrition insecurity. Here are some ideas to observe National Nutrition Month® in your community:
- Make a healthy donation to your local food pantry.
- Consider donating fresh produce if your local pantry has the ability to store it. If not, you can donate canned fruits in 100% fruit juice and low-sodium or no salt added canned vegetables.
- Herbs and spices are highly desired items that promote heart healthy cooking.
- Learn about the different cultures in your community.
- Ask your local pantry what foods the people they serve are requesting.
- Different cultures use various ingredients: View this Cultural Foods Guide for more information.
- If you are bilingual, consider volunteering as an interpreter at your local pantry.
- Volunteer to provide nutrition education, demonstrations and samples at a food pantry distribution.
- Offering samples of produce is a great opportunity for neighbors to try new foods.
- Recipe demonstrations are great for introducing unfamiliar ingredients.
- Contact if you are interested in volunteering with our nutrition education programs.
However you choose to celebrate National Nutrition Month ®, we hope you take a moment to reflect on what food means to you. For more information on National Nutrition Month ® check out
Also, check out our new EatrightPro videos on the Healthy Recipes Page