North Fork Mobile Pantry

Marsha Prestwich and her volunteers at the North Fork Mobile Pantry are passionate about feeding their neighbors along the north fork of the Salmon River. Nestled along the Lost Trail Pass on the border with Montana, this community has a strong sense of looking out for each other.
In this frontier community the cost per meal is higher than average in Idaho. The North Fork Mobile Pantry in Lemhi County started more than10 years ago. This group of regular volunteers meets on the first Thursday of every month to distribute upwards of 4,000 pounds of food – in less than two hours – to those who need a helping hand. This Mobile Pantry now serves 50-70 families every month. This Mobile Pantry and the dedicated group of volunteers that run it have a direct impact on the lives of the families they serve. Like all our partners in Lemhi County, looking out for each other is a priority.