One in Eight Idahoans is Food Insecure

More than 220,000 Idahoans, including more than 72,000 children, are food insecure, meaning they live at risk of hunger. More than 1 in 6 Idaho children and about 1 in 8 Idahoans is food insecure.
What is food insecurity?
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines food insecurity as a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life. … Hunger refers to a personal, physical sensation of discomfort, while food insecurity refers to a lack of available financial resources for food at the level of the household.
You can read more about food insecurity in Idaho on our Hunger in Idaho Page.
What can you do to help?
According to an article from Feeding America, there are several things you can do this summer:
- Plant a family garden and donate part of your harvest to a local food pantry. We recommend checking out Ample Harvest for ideas and finding a pantry close to where you live.
- Attend an event that helps raise money or brings in food. Check out our events calendar for several opportunities.
- Volunteer! There’s nothing more rewarding than spending an afternoon making a difference for your own community.
- Organize a food drive.
- Make a donation. You can donate to The Idaho Foodbank directly or by setting up your own fund drive.
- Learn more about what The Idaho Foodbank does. We have a set of free PDF publications that talk about our programs. You can view and download the entire set here:
Lastly, read some of the stories we have posted about the people we have helped. Most people only use food banks and food safety net programs for short periods of time during a medical or another type of financial crisis. We like to feature stories about people who have gotten back on their feet. Here are some examples:
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