Protein Nutrition

Think of protein as the body’s building block. It’s a vital part of muscle, tissue, bone, skin, blood, hormones, enzymes and vitamins. There are a variety of protein foods and they each offer different nutrients. Most Americans get enough protein, but not everyone gets all of the benefits of protein foods. The best way to get enough iron, fiber, folate and healthy fats is to focus on getting protein from a variety of sources. Here are just a few examples of the nutrients you can get:
- Iron from red meat like lean beef
- Choline from eggs
- Folate and fiber from beans and lentils
- Healthy fats from seafood, nuts, and seeds
It is also important to keep serving size in mind when choosing protein foods. This graphic illustrates recommended protein serving sizes:
For some delicious protein check out this summer salad recipe from the Idaho Beef Council!