Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day is on March 12th!

On March 12th, we will be celebrating Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day as part of National Nutrition Month. Did you know The Idaho Foodbank has two Registered Dietitians on staff? Our Registered Dietitians are essential to our nutrition education work and creating the menu for our Backpack Program. Below are some fun facts on what our entire nutrition team does, as well as what education and qualifications Registered Dietitians have.
It is not easy to become a Registered Dietitian. As of January 2024, those interested in becoming a Registered Dietician must obtain a graduate degree. They must also complete a Nutrition / Dietetic Internship Program in order to be eligible to take their credentialing exam. After passing the exam, Registered Dietitians must maintain their registration and license by completing 75 hours of continuing education, in addition to their working hours, every 5 years. Dietitians who wish to specialize have even more training to do – they must complete at least 1,000 hours of practicum and pass an additional exam followed by more continuing education in their focus area.
Their Work at The Idaho Foodbank
Our Registered Dietitians and our entire nutrition team provide important nutrition information and education to our neighbors in Idaho. They do so through hosting classes (you can sign up on our website), creating and sharing resources through social media and print, and updating the menu for our programs. They also build and maintain relationships with community partners and volunteers and support food distribution sites.
The Foodbank’s entire nutrition team is essential to completing our mission of educating and advocating for Idahoans facing food insecurity. This Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day, we would like to recognize and celebrate their hard work and accomplishments. If you would also like to celebrate our Registered Dietitians, consider making a donation in their honor today!