Rocky Mountain Power Gives Foodbank $10,000 Grant

For the fourth consecutive year, the Rocky Mountain Power Foundation is recognizing the needs of food-insecure children, seniors and families in eastern Idaho and rising to the challenge with a generous gift in the form of a grant for $10,000, enough to provide 40,000 meals.
The gift comes as new numbers show 51,560 residents of eastern Idaho are enduring food insecurity, including more than 19,000 children.
“Our employees spend every day working in the communities where hunger continues to add a burden to the lives of our neighbors in need,” said Rocky Mountain Power Regional Business Manager, Timothy Solomon. “We are honored to continue helping The Idaho Foodbank work to solve hunger in eastern Idaho.”
The Eastern Idaho Branch of The Idaho Foodbank distributed the food for more than 4 million meals in the last fiscal year. That number is likely to grow in 2017, thanks to expanded programs to reach more eastern Idahoans than ever before.
“The people of eastern Idaho have always excelled at working together to solve the problems of our friends and neighbors,” said the Foodbank’s Pocatello Branch Manager Jim Beitz. “The Rocky Mountain Power Foundation gift will help us provide the nutritious food needed in our community pantries to meet the needs of Idahoans in need.”