Sacks for Hunger

Albertsons is a critical part of the hunger relief team year round but we can’t say thank you enough for this donation at last Saturdays’s BSU Bronco game of $20,000! All season Albertsons pledged $500 (that will provide food for up to 2500 meals!) per BSU sack – and then they decided to throw in a little bit more to help as much as possible! Thank you Albertson’s and go Broncos!
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Albertsons and Boise State Football’s “Sacks for Hunger” campaign is a unique way to raise funds to help provide food for the roughly 179,000 people The Idaho Foodbank serves each month. For every sack the Boise State football team makes, Albertsons will donate $500 to the Foodbank, which can provide food for up to 2,500 meals.
A sack is when a quarterback, or a player acting as an offensive passer, is tackled before the line of scrimmage.