Staff Spotlight – Dom Lattin, Program Manager – Meridian

What is your WHY, why do you work at The Idaho Foodbank?
My “WHY” for working at The Idaho Foodbank is knowing that I am contributing to an initiative that significantly enhances the quality of life for my fellow Idahoans.
What song is guaranteed to make you sing?
My all-time favorite song is “Pour Some Sugar on Me” by Def Leppard. But nothing will make me do air guitar and drums more than the intro to Sweet Child O’ Mine!
What lesson are you most grateful for learning?
The most valuable lesson I’ve learned is the importance of empathy and not judging others whose shoes I have not walked in. What I’ve enjoyed most about my job at IFB has been the opportunity to meet amazing colleagues, of which, many have become lifelong friends.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
I don’t know if this was advice necessarily, but as a child, my mom instilled in us to do everything you do with excellence, do it right or don’t do it at all. But I don’t think the “don’t do it at all” was ever a real option because that never happened. It was more like redo it until it’s right. Thanks Mom.
People would be surprised if they knew:
I was a teen mom and didn’t get my BS until I was 46. My two youngest kiddos (twin boys) and I were in college at the same time and graduated the same year, from 3 different colleges. Mine was online because I also worked full time.
Do you have a favorite quote?
Pivot if you must, but never quit!