Staff Spotlight – Hy’D Andrews

How has your job changed you?
I have learned so much about how the world of Food Banking works. Who knew all of the moving parts to get food to those in need? Amazing!
What is the best vacation you’ve ever taken?
Washington DC. I went with my daughters, at the time, a group of middle schoolers and my 5th grade son. What history!!! You feel inspired, appreciative and understanding of those who came before us. I cried a lot… good and bad tears.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see cast as you?
Cheri O’Teri
What is on your bucket list?
Travel the USA in a motor home and see everything! All tourist traps, dive bars and antique stores on the way.
If you could interview one person (dead or alive) who would it be?
My great Grandpa on my Dad’s side. His death was very unexplained, and my “murderino” mind doesn’t buy it.