STAFF SPOTLIGHT – Jonna Behm – Development Coordinator

How has The Idaho Foodbank helped you in your career development? I joined the Idaho Foodbank right after obtaining my Bachelor’s Degree in Dietetics as the Nutrition Education Specialist. It was/is extremely rewarding work. I gained huge respect for the organization as a whole and its various moving parts. Transitioning into Development was a big step to serve in a new capacity. It’s very rewarding to share our stories and mission with the community.
Best vacation you’ve been to? I could easily argue that my recent trip to Mexico is at the top of my list with monkeys waking us up every morning coming into our hotel room. Amazing!! However, I had the opportunity to travel to Rome almost 15 years ago. I have never been in awe the way I was during that trip. Not just seeing, but feeling, the history everywhere I turned. I still get goose bumps when I think about it.
Before working at The Idaho Foodbank, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had? In my mid 20’s I used to manage a couple of state, grant-sponsored employment and training programs. One in particular was for ex-offenders. Once an inmate was being granted parole, I would meet with them inside the prison to begin the ground work to help them succeed on the outside. This included providing housing resources, training classes, purchase work clothes, resume writing, medical needs etc. It was definitely intimidating visiting individuals behind prison walls yet extremely rewarding.