Staff Spotlight – Karen Buffelen, Senior Accountant

What is your favorite sport?
Hockey is my favorite. They have group hugs and when people get in trouble they get sent to timeout. Plus it is fast paced and anything can happen in a matter of seconds.
If you could pick one theme for The Idaho Foodbank to turn into a book about the company, what would it be?
Sci-fi would be fun. You never see sci-fi books based in a food bank. It would be niche & hugely successful.
Motto or personal mantra?
Nothing changes if nothing changes. Meaning if you don’t change what you are doing to make a change, then everything will remain the same. You have to put the effort in.
What is your WHY, why do you work at The Idaho Foodbank?
Food is a basic human right and everyone should be able to have easy access to it.
If you could interview one person (dead or alive) who would it be?
Are animals people? Because I want to talk to them, especially my pets at home. So many questions.