Staff Spotlight – Megan Seal, Nutrition Services Manager

Before working at The Idaho Foodbank, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
I did my dietetic internship with the Idaho Department of Corrections. One of my internship projects was to adapt a recipe for the correction kitchens, and I adapted my great grandmother’s orange-carrot cookies. I think they still serve them!
Motto or personal mantra?
Be the Leslie Knope of whatever you do.
People would be surprised if they knew:
I’ve run 6 half marathons.
How has The Idaho Foodbank helped you in your career development?
This job has absolutely been my dream job. I love the team that I get to work with and the projects that we work on, and it’s helped me develop much better communication skills and confidence.
What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?
Stop trying to make your own clothes.