Starting On The Right Foot

One of the real assets and skills learned by students taking Cooking Matters classes from The Idaho Foodbank is how to make a meal from scratch.
The shopping, planning and execution of said meal can be a difficult chore, but starting children off with the knowledge of how to get it done and enjoy the process can mean the world to a developing mind. Cynthia is one such student. Since beginning her Cooking Matters class, she’s found herself cooking for her whole family. It’s meant healthier meals as well as happy parents.
“I’ve learned things from cutting skills to knowing what stuff I need to make a healthier meal. It’s really helped me. My family and I have been able to heat healthy dishes because of what I’ve learned. They are happy.”
Learning new ways to make her family healthier has been an exciting process for Cynthia, who says she’s wasted little time to share those tidbits with anyone who wants to learn.
“I tell my family about Cooking Matters and what I’ve learned pretty much every time I come home and they always think it’s really cool,” she said.
Cooking Matters is just the first step. Cynthia says she wants to have a family when she grows up and Cooking Matters has helped formulate a healthier lifestyle – one she plans to share with future family members someday.
“I think when I grow up, this will give my family a healthier life,” Cynthia says. “It doesn’t just give me an opportunity to do healthier cooking. It also means maybe I will be able to teach them what I know, too.”