Thankful for Bicycling Turkeys

Last month was Pocatello’s Cranksgiving Turkey Drive. This put a unique and healthy “spin” on the Thanksgiving holiday with the support of the bicycling community. The frozen turkeys collected at Barrie’s Ski and Sports were transported to The Idaho Foodbank building in Pocatello with a parade of bicyclists of all ages.
These turkeys were included in holiday food boxes that included green beans, stuffing, gravy, and rolls, as well as fresh potatoes, onions, and squash. Over 1,000 families were served at this food distribution at the Bannock County Fairgrounds. This is truly a community event, with Pocatellans donating food and funds and volunteering their time to help their neighbors who are struggling.
Watch a news story about the Thanksgiving Food distribution here: The Idaho Food Bank’s Annual Turkey Distribution