Lewiston Volunteer Spotlight – Sharon Heuette

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a National Day of Service. At The Idaho Foodbank, volunteers are essential to supporting our efforts to fight food insecurity. In North Central Idaho, one volunteer in particular has been making an incredible difference. Sharon Heuett volunteers both as a receptionist and as a volunteer at the weekly pantry in Lewiston. Sharon says that volunteering gives her a sense of purpose and that “it’s gratifying to see what The Idaho Foodbank is doing for the people in our community that need the extra help.”
To Sharon, volunteering is more than just stuffing envelopes or putting food on shelves. It’s about “visiting with people when they come in for help, listening to them, helping them feel better and making them feel that there is nothing wrong with asking for help.” Sharon herself has had to ask for help several times and she wants everyone to know that it’s okay to do so.
Sharon also wants people to know that they can still help even if they are older. Sharon is 80 years-old and “still going like I’m 40!” For nearly two years, Sharon has provided invaluable assistance to the Foodbank’s branch in Lewiston, fulfilling a variety of roles. Those interested in volunteering can visit The Foodbank’s volunteer page at Give Time – The Idaho Foodbank.