Volunteers From Around the State Recognized

Left to Right: Jeff Schroeder, Jerome Mobile Pantry; Nancy McAfee, Carey Mobile Pantry; Nettie and Mark Burgess, Weiser Mobile Pantry; Julia Jacobs & Anisha Cenarrussa, Burley Mobile Pantry
The Idaho Foodbank’s Board of Directors was pleased to recognize volunteers from across the state this morning in honor of their commitment to hunger relief.
Just this last year over 24,000 volunteers put in over 58,000 hours at our warehouse and branch locations, working at fundraising events, distributing food at mobile pantries, and helping teach Cooking Matters classes. These volunteers who put in over 100 hours last year deserve special recognition.
In Southwestern Idaho, we wished to spotlight a group of Mobile Pantry Coordinators. These folks are responsible for overseeing local community volunteers that help directly distribute food from The Idaho Foodbank to Idahoans in need. Mobile Pantries are often out in rural areas where there are fewer resources and options. These coordinators dedicate their time to making sure that each distribution operates smoothly and all are passionate about hunger relief and dedicated to serving their community.
Volunteer Recognition:
Southwestern Idaho
Jeff Schroeder, Jerome Mobile Pantry/Martha & Mary’s Food Pantry
Jeff has been volunteering in hunger relief for 8+ years and in addition to his role as the Jerome Mobile Pantry Coordinator, he currently oversees the Jerome Food Ministry, is the Executive Director of Idaho Hunters Feeding the Hungry and is the President of The Idaho Foodbank’s Partner Advisory Council.
Nancy McAfee, Carey Mobile Pantry
Nancy has been the Carey Mobile Pantry Coordinator since May 2017 when the community desperately needed someone to step and take over the role. Because the closest food pantry or grocery store to Carey is 23 miles away in Bellevue, the Mobile Pantry distribution provides a level of food access not otherwise available in the community. In addition to being the Mobile Pantry Coordinator, Nancy also oversees the distribution of CSFP Senior Food Boxes each month and is a strong advocate for those she serves.
Rev. Mark Burgess, Weiser Mobile Pantry
Mark’s involvement in hunger relief began during his service in the United States Air Force. Mark and his wife, Nettie, have volunteered in hunger relief in various capacities over the years including through their church and community agencies. Mark has been the Weiser Mobile Pantry Coordinator for the past 2 years and has used his background to simplify distribution and increase safety for everyone involved.
Anisha Cenarrussa & Julia Jacobs, Burley Mobile Pantry
Julia has volunteered as the Burley Mobile Pantry Coordinator for the past two years and has been the director of the Mountain View Christian Center Food Pantry for many years. She is passionate about hunger relief because she saw a need that she never knew existed and wants to fill that need where possible.
Anisha is taking over the role of Burley Mobile Pantry Coordinator and has been a pantry volunteer for over 6 years. She started volunteering because she was bored and when it made such a meaningful impact on her, she decided to stay.
Lewiston Branch
Helen Thompson has been volunteering at The Idaho Foodbank since March 2017. Her daughter worked at another food bank just across the river and told Helen that she would probably enjoy this type of work. Well

Helen Thompson in Lewiston
lucky for us she does!
Helen has put in at least 988 hours here with us in Lewiston, working 2-3 days a week. Helen assists clients with emergency food, accepting donations and answering the phones. She has been a wonderful volunteer and friend here in Lewiston. Helen had previously spent 13 years volunteering at Mercy Hospital in Boise and 3 years between St. Joseph Regional Medical Center, here in Lewiston and Tri-State Memorial Hospital in Clarkston.
Pocatello Branch
Bryce Anderson 16 yr old Highland High School student who started volunteering his time at The Idaho Foodbank last year because he needed hours for National Honors Society. What started as a simple 2 hours of service turned into over 100 hours of service. As a student with a very busy day time schedule, he’s still able to come in and assist with evening groups. Bryce is young but he is dedicated and his passion for volunteering at The Idaho Foodbank shows to everyone who meets him.
Misty Hayden has accumulated over 100 volunteer hours in the past year, but what sets her apart from the others is her why. When Misty first started volunteering, she tried out several local agencies to do community service. She ultimately chose The Idaho Foodbank because of the staff members and fellow volunteers. She stands out because of her hard work and willingness to be part of a team. Misty said she feels welcome at The Idaho Foodbank and that she’s making a difference not only in her life but also her local community.