Wells Fargo: “Many hearts. One community.”

At The Idaho Foodbank, we are lucky to have hundreds of volunteers who spend time with us. In fact, they log 70,000 volunteer hours a year, which equates to 33 full-time employees.
We are lucky to have hundreds of volunteers who spend time with us at The Idaho Foodbank. In fact, they log 70,000 volunteer hours a year, which equates to 33 full-time employees. The volunteers help to repack produce, organize shelf-stable donations, and prepare backpacks full of nutritious, child-friendly food ensuring that students who are chronically hungry have access to easy-to-prepare food over the weekend.
One such special volunteer is Janelle Haag. She has volunteered at the Idaho Foodbank for nine years. Janelle is a twenty-year employee at Wells Fargo, who initially came to the Foodbank encouraged by Wells Fargo’s commitment to its communities through its “Many hearts. One community.” campaign.
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Wells Fargo recognizes that giving is not just needed one month out of the year – it’s something the company is committed to year-round. Haag is living proof of this. In 2020, as the number of food insecure families was increasing, Janelle took on more shifts at the Foodbank and made an even stronger commitment. All in all, she has logged hundreds of volunteer hours in 2020, giving hope to hundreds of families across the state. Additionally, Wells Fargo and its Idaho branch employees have recently made a generous gift of $25,000, providing food for thousands of meals to Idahoans.
Haag says, “I love the volunteers that I work with. It’s amazing how so many people who don’t know each other can come together in a matter of two hours and support so many statewide.”