Martin Luther King Day – A National Day of Service

In January, people across the United States and Idaho celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. with a National Day of Service by participating in service projects and volunteering at local non-profits.
Martin Luther King Day is also a time to reflect on the struggles others are facing. We are committed to ensuring all Idahoans have access to nutritious food, regardless of their situation and background. The Idaho Foodbank and our partner network are so grateful for the volunteers that are key to providing food to those in need. In the last fiscal year, The Idaho Foodbank hosted 17,474 volunteers. This is the equivalent of 25 full-time employees.
Even though The Idaho Foodbank’s volunteer shifts are full for Martin Luther King Day, we still need your help. Please consider taking time on this National Day of Service to sign yourself, your friends, or your family up for a shift in January or February at any of our three facilities in Meridian, Lewiston and Pocatello. CLICK HERE to schedule your shift. You can also get involved by signing up to volunteer at your local food pantry or any other Idaho nonprofit close to home.