Volunteer Appreciation Month

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month! Volunteers are the engines that keep food moving to Idahoans who are struggling to make ends meet. In the last fiscal year, The Idaho Foodbank hosted 17,474 volunteers. The hours these volunteers gave are the equivalent of 25 full-time employees!
During Volunteer Appreciation Month, we will be highlighting some of our outstanding volunteers across the state. Please join us in thanking them for their work. We hope you will be inspired by their service to their community. Check out our social media and KudoBoard website to see some of our amazing volunteers.
If you are looking for volunteer opportunities with one of our partner organizations such as a local food pantry, you can find their information here and reach out to them directly to ask about volunteer opportunities. You can also visit idahofoodbank.org/volunteer if you want to volunteer at The Idaho Foodbank.
Volunteers are a critical part of what we do and they are essential to the success of our network of over 465 food distribution partners across Idaho. Thank you to our volunteers for your valuable contributions!