Volunteer Spotlight: Betty

Betty has made volunteering an important part of her life. For her, volunteering is more than a hobby – it’s a lifelong commitment. Whenever Betty isn’t skydiving, she is an active volunteer. In addition to helping The Idaho Foodbank, she also works with refugees, tutoring them for their citizenship tests through the International Rescue Committee and the Agency for New Americans.
Originally from Indiana, Betty moved to Idaho to pursue a job in the health sector after her graduate studies. Even while married with one child she not only got involved in her local church’s food pantry but also completed another graduate degree, earning her MBA.
“When I lived in Mountain Home I was Co-chair of my church’s food pantry,” she said. “So once a month I would come down to The Idaho Foodbank in order to get food for my location.”
Not too long after retiring from her job and the pantry she decided to volunteer at the Foodbank in 2016.
Whether repacking or sorting, Betty always seems to have a smile on her face and her motivation is clear.
“Food is important to me because it is just the basic for people,” she said. “If they don’t have food then it is that much more difficult to do anything else.”
Being impressed with how organized the volunteer shifts are and how much attention to detail is emphasized, what really amazed her was something entirely different.
“I love how staff members from different departments come down to work with volunteers during their shifts,” she claimed. “It’s so beneficial not only for the volunteers but for the staff as well. One time I was talking to a staff member who works with the farmers and I was amazed at the collaboration and the way the Foodbank and other organizations work together to fight against hunger and make sure food doesn’t go to waste.”
We then took a moment to ask her what she wished people knew about the Foodbank. Her response shows the charisma that she brings every week.
“I’m retired, so everyone else can do the same thing as well! You are only there for 2 hours and get to learn on a much larger scope about food and service. They always tell you the number of volunteer hours really does equate to actual staff.”
Betty brings a sense of charisma and thoughtfulness to The Idaho Foodbank, and we are so proud to call her a fellow foodie.