Hunger Action, Hunger Awareness

October is Hunger Awareness Month
Through our statewide network of community partners, The Idaho Foodbank is working to solve hunger while simultaneously contributing to the health and well-being of those we serve.
October Hunger Awareness Month Events (click for info):
10/6 – Bengals vs. Vandals Canned Food Drive – Pocatello. Show your support for your team by donating a canned food item at either the Bengals tailgate food drive at the ICCU Practice Field, or, the Vandals tailgate food drive at Bonneville Park. Whoever collects the most cans wins. Let’s ALL help to “tackle” hunger this season.
10/14 – Ada County Crop Walk – The Ada County CROP Hunger Walk is one of 1,000+ across the nation, symbolizing the walk many around the world must make for basic resources such as food, water, shelter and protection.
10/17 – The Summit on Idaho Hunger. This is a yearly event to bring together leaders from business, government, agriculture, non-profit agencies, schools, tribal organization, faith communities, and Idahoans who want to work together to combat hunger.
10/14 – Ada County Crop Walk – The Ada County CROP Hunger Walk is one of 1,000+ across the nation, symbolizing the walk many around the world must make for basic resources such as food, water, shelter and protection.
10/17 – The Summit on Idaho Hunger. This is a yearly event to bring together leaders from business, government, agriculture, non-profit agencies, schools, tribal organization, faith communities, and Idahoans who want to work together to combat hunger.