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How about: Food Safety Success

Everyone should have access to safe, wholesome food. In February, The Idaho Foodbank completed our regular AIB (American Institute of Baking) International food safety inspections at all three locations. Recognition…

  • Eastern Idaho Branch

Feeding the 5000

Feeding the 5000 is a multi-event campaign by Pocatello’s interfaith community to support individuals in Eastern Idaho who are struggling with food insecurity. Feeding the 5000 began in February with…

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Making Sense of Nutrition Labels

To recognize National Nutrition Month®, we wanted to share some information about reading nutrition labels. Reading the Nutrition Facts label is key to understanding the nutrition content of the foods…

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Stretching Your Dollar

Try some of these tips the next time you’re at the grocery store to make the most of your grocery budget!   Compare Unit Pricing  Unit pricing is the price of…

Union School Rock-A-Thon

The Union School (Nampa) Rock-A-Thon is a charity fundraiser where all the 301’s from Biff Hall’s class ask for pledges from sponsors (friends, family, neighbors and businesses) to see how…

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Nutrition for Your Heart Health

February is American Heart Month, a time when we can focus on our cardiovascular health. In the United States, heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and…

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