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The Idaho Foodbank
  • Nutrition

Healthy and Yummy Whole Grains

Whole grains fuel our bodies, providing us with energy to get us through the day. Regularly consuming whole grains has also been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Be mindful when selecting whole grain foods. Breads, pastas, tortillas and oatmeal are some examples of products that often contain whole grains, but can also contain processed or altered grains.

  • News

Update on Coronavirus Food Assistance Program

The USDA has announced the extension of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, also known as the “Farmers to Families” food boxes thru April 2021. SunTerra Produce was selected as the vendor to distribute this product in Idaho. The Idaho Foodbank is currently working through the contract expectations and delivery options, and more details are forthcoming.

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Contributing Factors to Your Health

When it comes to health, there are so many elements that contribute to our well-being. These conditions are also known as the social determinants of health (SDOH). Healthy People 2030, a framework for a healthier nation, defines SDOH.

Janelle Haag
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Wells Fargo: “Many hearts. One community.”

We are lucky to have hundreds of volunteers who spend time with us at The Idaho Foodbank. In fact, they log 70,000 volunteer hours a year, which equates to 33 full-time employees. One such special volunteer is Janelle Haag, who has volunteered at the Idaho Foodbank for nine years.

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IdahoKind Challenge

Inspired by the generosity of Duane and Lori Stueckle, IdahoKind is a campaign that celebrates kindness. By February 14, 2021, the goal is to generate 1,000 acts of kindness and raise $200,000, providing food for up to one million meals.

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IdahoKind Campaign Kicks Off on January 18

Inspired by the generosity of Duane and Lori Stueckle, The Idaho Foodbank is kicking off #IdahoKind – the first fundraising and awareness campaign of its type for our organization. Launching on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 18 and running thru Valentine’s Day The Idaho Foodbank is encouraging the community to share kindness. Anyone can participate by sharing a story of kindness, volunteering in their community, writing a kind note, sharing heartwarming moments, or donating. Just use #IdahoKind and share your feel-good stories on social media and other channels.  

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Highlighting Everyday Heroes Behind the Masks

Rosauers in Lewiston, in partnership with Idavend Broadcasting, held the annual Holiday Heroes one-day food drive. Lewiston Rosauers shoppers purchased grocery bags stuffed with festive side dishes and pantry staples for families needing a little help to make their holiday meal special this year. 

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More Than Words

Once again, Idahoans across the state embodied the true spirit of giving during our “Hope for the Holidays” campaign; a program that generated food for millions of meals for community members facing hardships they could never imagine. More than that, Idahoans showed that they care about their neighbors and people in their communities that they may never meet. It is a gift that will keep giving well into the new year.

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Alina Rahim – Eastern Idaho Superstar

The Idaho Foodbank is proud to celebrate one of its youngest volunteers, Alina Rahim, recipient of the Gov. Cecil D. Andrus Volunteer of the Year award. Presented by the Idaho Nonprofit Center in partnership with Serve Idaho, the Governor’s Commission on Service and Volunteerism, Alina Rahim of Pocatello was recognized for her volunteer contributions in eastern Idaho. 

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Make Every Bite Count

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently launched its new MyPlate website to support healthier lifestyles for Americans. The site provides tools, resources and simple recipes to obtain the perfect balance of fruits, veggies, grains, protein and dairy in your daily diet.

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Increase Your Well-Being Through Volunteering

Volunteering for an organization or a cause you care about can have a profound impact on your health – both mentally and physically. When you volunteer, you have the opportunity to make meaningful and lasting connections with your community. These connections can help you build confidence, improve your social skills, network to land your next job and feel a sense of purpose.

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