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Thank You for Helping us Take A Fresh Approach!

Last month, The Idaho Foodbank held a virtual Grand Opening to celebrate the completion of our capital campaign and give everyone a chance to take a virtual tour of our new 102,000 square foot building in Meridian.

ACA to Remember
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A Chefs’ Affaire 2021 Recap

Did you miss this year’s online event? Thank you to everyone who supported our annual event. You can still watch it and learn more about these innovative chefs, our generous…

  • Nutrition

How Mindful Snacking Can Help Those Sugar Rushes

Stress and little time for relaxation and decompressing is a contributor to health complications. It tumbles downhill like the snowball effect, only growing larger as it continues. People commonly reach for sugar in times of stress. Cookies, pies and chocolate are some sugary foods people reach for when they are stressed. But health officials have linked chronic illnesses with the excess consumption of added sugars in foods.

Give Thanks
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Thanksgiving for All

As the holidays and winter months are approaching, many people are filled with excitement about apple cider and hot chocolate; time with family; and holiday meal traditions. For some Idaho families, the holiday season is another time to worry about how they will provide enough food for their families.

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Preparing Idaho’s Children for Back to School Success

September was a month full of creativity, generosity and a reminder of how much we can accomplish together. Thank you to everyone who participated in Back to School month across the state, helping us to raise the funds and awareness needed to set Idaho kids and their families up for success this school year. Thanks to you and your support of the Backpack and School Pantry programs, Idaho children will have access to the nutritious food needed to learn and grow.

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Neighbors Helping Neighbors in Pocatello

Roger and Nancy Gibson are an example of how the community in Pocatello comes together to support children facing insecurity. For many Idaho children, the meals they receive at school are their primary sources of nutrition for the day. The Idaho Foodbank’s Backpack Program supplements this food for some Idaho children by providing food for the weekend that fits in a child’s backpack on Friday.

grand opening
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An Anniversary, A Grand Opening and A Fresh Approach

This year, October is a particularly note-worthy month for The Idaho Foodbank. October 2021 marks the 37th anniversary of The Idaho Foodbank. In October of last year, we moved into our new facility in Meridian to help us continue to serve the entire state. This year we are marking the end of our successful Capital Campaign with an online grand opening of this new facility and you are invited!

North Central
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Leadership and Generosity in Moscow

University of Idaho’s (U of I) Homecoming is the first week of October. During this time, there will be a food drive at the University with proceeds going to the Vandal Pantry and The Idaho Foodbank. We are so appreciative of the student leaders at U of I for initiating this project to help fight food insecurity in Idaho! 

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The Idaho Foodbank’s 2021 Annual Report

The Idaho Foodbank’s Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Report is out – and what a year it has been. The Idaho Foodbank distributed 30.9 million pounds of food in Idaho in our last fiscal year. This was a 38 percent increase in food distribution in Idaho.

University of Idaho HOMECOMING 2021

The University of Idaho annually does a philanthropy ask of the community, alumni and students during the week of Homecoming. This event directly affects those who are food insecure in…

University of Idaho HOMECOMING 2021

The University of Idaho annually does a philanthropy ask of the community, alumni and students during the week of Homecoming. This event directly affects those who are food insecure in…

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