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April is Volunteer Appreciation Month

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month! The Idaho Foodbank works with more than 29,000 volunteers a year who donate over 70,000 hours of service; enough to fill 33 full-time positions. We couldn’t do our work without our volunteers and our aim is to celebrate the kids, seniors, families, corporations and organizations who give their time and talents year-round.

Board of Directors
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The Idaho Foodbank Announces New Board Members

The Idaho Foodbank is pleased to announce five new members to its board of directors. These community members bring years of business, nonprofit and philanthropic experience to an esteemed and strategic group helping to solve the challenge of hunger in Idaho.

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Staff Spotlight – Amy Mart – Community Initiative Director

I believe that the right to food is a human right, and that all individuals have the right to be able to access, use, and enjoy food that supports their body, mind, and spirit. Working with The Idaho Foodbank, I strive to do work that both increases access to food and decreases community food insecurity long-term.

Ish Volunteers
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Owners of Dye Hard Painting Give Back (Hard)

Be careful talking with Lisa and her husband Kelly Ish, they might just inspire you to give away your whole paycheck, for a year. That’s just what these two did when they decided to make 2021 a year of giving. Kelly says, “We believe you can’t give away too much.”

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Healthy Eating

Each March, we celebrate the importance of choosing healthy foods to nourish our bodies. How we choose to feed our bodies has a big impact on how we feel, not only today, but over the long term as well. Most of the leading causes of death in the U.S. are influenced by what we eat, but every meal is a new opportunity to make a good choice!

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Register for Million Meals in March Corporate Competition

Businesses throughout the state are invited to participate in Million Meals in March, a creative, friendly, competition to raise funds, collect food, and volunteer – Presented by Southern Idaho Honda Dealers and Answerforce, with all proceeds going to The Idaho Foodbank. The competition begins on March 8th and runs through March 31.

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March is National Nutrition Month ®

Nutrition equals wellness. By eating a well-balanced diet, we are able to maintain the energy we need to get through the day and absorb the nutrients our bodies require to help us stay strong and healthy.Nutrition equals wellness. By eating a well-balanced diet, we are able to maintain the energy we need to get through the day and absorb the nutrients our bodies require to help us stay strong and healthy.

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Thank You for Your #IdahoKindness!

The official numbers have been tallied and we are ecstatic to announce that we met the $100,000 IdahoKind challenge match inspired by Duane and Lori Stueckle! Because of your help and generosity, we will be able to provide food for up to 1 million meals to Idaho families.

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Staff Spotlight – Natalia Brookshier -  Human Resource Specialist

I enjoy figuring out solutions to make an employee’s day easier; to create a plan or develop a resource that makes their work more enjoyable. I am constantly exploring ways to engage individuals. Even though the majority of us are working remotely, we still need each other to do the best work possible. 

  • Volunteers

Eastern Idaho – Finding Inspiration at The Idaho Foodbank

Volunteer Gennese Annen is a regular face at the eastern region foodbank in Pocatello. She says, “I initially chose to volunteer at The Idaho Foodbank because I wanted to give back to the community and help people in need. It makes you realize how small and insignificant your problems are when you see people who are struggling just with the basic needs of hunger and putting food on the table for their families. It’s humbling and inspiring to be a part of changing that in any way.”

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